Sunday, March 7, 2010


First of all I would like to thank-you for taking this opportunity to answer a few questions for your fans and myself, it's always a pleasure chatting. So thank-you so much. SOO Karl! My first question is this: How does it feel presently starting a new promo campaign for your new cd?

Likewise, thanks for giving me the opportunity to bore the hell out of ya. LOL
We're all really excited about the new album, but We do still have a bit more work to do. I need to write a couple more tracks, and Jeff needs to work on the production before it's ready for release. But we're getting close to saying "It's done, thank f*** for that" LOL
I just hope you guys like it. So much work and energy goes into the writing and recording of these songs that we will be pretty anxious when we come to release it!!

Tell me how this collaboration with your band members Rolz Guilford and Jonny Whyatt came about?
How did you three meet?

Rolz, Jonny and I met in prison, it was a dark time in our lives, but at least something good came out of it....LOL. I'm just kidding.
We met at Meanstreet studio's. Rolz and Jonny were in a band before I met them, and had recorded with Jeff Guilford at the studio. I was working with Jeff on a Saturday afternoon when Jonny and Rolz turned up, I had no idea they were gonna come down. Anyway, they had both heard my songs on Myspace and knew I was gonna need a band. After a few beers we decided to start working together, and it's been great, we get on musically and on a personal level!!

How often does the band rehearse and where?

We rehearse anywhere between twice a week to six times a week depending on what commitments we have and what we need to be ready for. It's beautiful, the beers come out, the Taylors come out, and we're all happy as pigs in shit. LOL

Let's talk about the CD, do you have favourite songs that you enjoy to play live?

Erm.......No, I don't really have a favourite myself. However, I am aware that the crowd have their favourites which does make a difference to the way I feel when I play that song. But they all have to sound good live or they don't make the album. Every song that I have written means something special to me, so for me, I play them all with same passion.

What Cities have you performed and what places would you like to perform at in the future?

I have mainly performed in my home town of Nottingham and nearby city's. But I did spend a lot of time in Los Angeles working under management company's and playing shows in Beverly Hills and Hollywood. We will be returning to America very soon and I can't wait to get back on the road!!
As for places I would like to perform - that would be every major city in the world, I know, i'm proper greedy. LOL
Unfortunately, we are not going to start touring until the album is completed. When it's done, we then have something to promote and tour!!

Karl, my final question for today, where do you see yourself in 10 years time musically?

I'm really not sure. 10 years is a long time and a lot can change, but I will write music as long as people still want me to. But having said that, I do like to plan, I like to try and keep things under control, try to work out what I need to do to get where I want to be. Now, if you had asked me where I want to be in 25 years time, i'd have said i'll be happy if i'm sitting on a beach drinking pina coladas!! And I don't mean Costa Del Crime either!! Maybe the Caribbean somewhere. LOL. Yeah wouldn't we all!!

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